Wednesday 14 March 2012

Prelude to a Witch Doctor

My days as a  cashier at Fresh and Natural Foods are numbered as I get closer and closer to starting my position as (for  lack of a more professional term) a Witch Doctor in the HBC (health, beauty and cosmetic) department. So long, paper and plastic...hello fish oil and probiotics. Though I'm quite excited about my new day job,  I can't deny that I'm going to miss making my occasional work doodles. So here's to a great gig at the front end, and one final set of undercover-grocery-store-art!

(ball point pen, colored pencil, highlighter, whiteout, and charcoal on botched disposable camera photos)

Friday 9 March 2012

P.S. (photos: supplemental) ★

(Disposable, polaroid, lomography...I have quite a soft spot for experimental photos. Here is a smattering of double exposures I collected to supplement yesterday's post!)

Thursday 8 March 2012


I'm not sure why these weren't posted sooner. But as I'm having a terribly nostalgic day, I thought it would be appropriate to showcase these dreamy double-exposures (taken by Fletcher Aleckson). I love them SO MUCH. 

(^ Fletch, himself)

Also, it's a full moon tonight:

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Monday 5 March 2012

stuffed animals

I think my fascination with taxidermy was predetermined by growing up in the  Midwest where  hunting is the game, and deer heads are your trophies. Though I've never fired a rifle in my life, and have little interest to, my allure to this peculiar art form manifested in an ever-growing collection of butterflies and moths. After studying abroad in London, I met a fellow taxidermy enthusiast, Basia who showed my some PRIME taxidermy in Paris (specifically, Deyrolle. You can make your own butterfly shadowboxes! Ah!) Think roaring tigers, frolicking zebras, iridescent beetles and gigantic moths, all frozen in time. There is just something eerily magical about it. Anyway, I recently stumbled upon another take on taxidermy that is even more magical...Netherlands based Les Deux Garçons (Michel Vanderheijden van Tinteren and Roel Moonen)  created a collection of whimsical beasts mixed with millinery, found objects, and toys. ♡ THESE. I hope you find them as dazzling :)


Thursday 1 March 2012

Security Blankets for the Boondocks

If you too live in the boondocks, somewhere deep in the woods, off the grid, in no man's land, then this post is for you. In quite possibly the slushiest day of the year, Haley and I decided to embark on a photo quest. So, we packed up my recently made "Security Blankets" (reconstructed blankets and afghans into cozy shrug sweaters....probably crocheted and knitted by somebody's grandma, long long ago...maybe even yours. You know the kind I'm talking about.), a fur hat, a bottle of Absinthe (for aesthetic purposes only), my Lomo camera, a poncho, and some rubber boots and got in my Bug and drove into the Kinnikinnick State Park to snip snap some snapshots--midwestern style. 

It was a chilllllly damp day, but that was no match for Haley Blayne Prochnow. Oh no no. She managed to look toasty and cozy like summer never left. Not to mention she un-stuck the Bug from the soupy ice mess we were working in. What a champ. Here's some proof of our labor to feast your eyes on:

You can get your very own "Security Blanket" here